This will work in any area with wandering merchants and a lot of enemies it does not strictly have to be in Twinblade's Camp, though it is more effective when performed there (bandits are not hostile to the traders, whereas in the wild you must protect the traders). Example: You get 1000 Skill Experience from trading, with Combat Multiplier 20 you get 20000 Skill Experience. The reason is to maintain a high combat multiplier so you get more experience from the trading process. After finishing them all quickly go to the item trader and trade with him, you then should repeat the procedure of selling and buying the items from him. It's better to have Slow Time to help prevent arrow damage which will decrease your combat multiplier. When you go in through the gate after wearing the bandit suit, kill all the bandits inside the camp, you can also can kill the mercenary (though this gives evil points as he not technically a bandit) if necessary for a higher Combat Multiplier. To do this, you need to stock many items to sell. This method is only available in Twinblade's Camp, and it is best to be used when also doing Find the Bandit Seeress quest. Or just run a circle around the cullis gate, this works too. Furthermore this troll is capable of re-spawning without actually leaving the area, merely head towards one of the exits (cross the bridge, or ascend the stairs and turn the corner) and then turn around and head back to the inactive cullis gate itself to re-spawn the troll. This becomes easier once you acquire more Guile and the Ancient Cullis Gate begins spawning a Troll that frequently drops Rubies (Value: 2,500) as the troll itself is worth a x10-12 combat multiplier. This requires quite a bit of prep work between grinding sessions, as you need food to eat while your multiplier is high. All you need to do is buy physical shield (increase it and Magic Power to max levels asap) and then fight the undead at the Grey House, if you get good at fighting them you can build a combat multiplier of x24 and use very few Will Potions. This takes a lot of grinding work, but the results are a fully levelled hero before you even complete your first quest to kill the Wasp Queen. You can also keep kicking him when he is down, not sure if its faster or not but it works. Depending on your patience, you can max out the combat multiplier and the strength experience points to your liking. If he faces in front of you, he will guard up, but you can push him down again using a flourish melee attack, then when he comes to, target him again and hit him as many times as you want. Make sure he faces behind you and is cornered in the middle of the crates and the barn. Fable 1 how to prevent friendly fire pc plus#
After which, target and corner beardy baldy between the barn and the crates you can exploit and spam a combat multiplier up to the maximum number, plus all the strength experience points you will need for the whole game.
After you complete his quest, do a world save, and load that save file. This exploit can also be done when performing the Beardy Baldy side quest at Bowerstone Quay, this can be done in such a way that you won't alert any guards and you can do so even if the Bowerstone fight club is nearby.
Can work with any item as long as you buy all of the stock, but health and mana potions are the best option due to larger stock, more frequent restocking, and no personal inventory cap. This exploit can be used anytime during gameplay. Once satified with gold&skill exp return to the guild and rank and derank your skill tab to convert Skill exp to general exp. Buy all of the Health or Mana Potions in stock and resell back to the merchant for profit and Skill experience. Once you graduate visit Bowerstone and trade with the Bowerstone's general store. This exploit can be used in early game and requires a lot of patience in early-game, but the results is a fully leveled hero without combat/grinding and infinite gold before you even complete your first quest to kill the Wasp Queen. When going through hero training save up the experience and spend it all in Guile and sell any item of value besides health and mana potions. It will remain this way until you press Start or Back. When it is done loading, you will see your surrounding and yourself, but no HUD. When it is loading, all you will see is a black screen, the name of the place you are going, and the loading icon. Combat Multiplier and Strength Experience. 1.6 Twinblade's Camp & Wandering Merchantsįable and The Lost Chapters Common Skills, Spells & Equipment Įxperience exploits typically use the following items, skills, or spells.